Aceites de la comunidad Valenciana y de la provincia de Jaen.
Utilizamos diferentes, aceites de oliva virgen extra, de diferentes aceitunas par aromatizar nuestros platos en los Menú Degustación

Local product in the Marina Alta

At Samaruc, we stand out for the creativity of our chef Ismael Bilbao.

On this occasion, we want to talk about local products, especially in the Marina Alta. In our restaurant, we mainly use the oils of the olive variety picual, hojiblanca, arbequina, cornicabra or Alfafara, this last one is the olive we are using in the oil we use from the Valencian community, El campiñero. It is an extra virgin olive oil, extracted cold, and comes from the town of Enguera.

These olive oils have a golden hue and a perfect balance between bitter and spicy.

It is appreciated for its high quality and is harvested in an appropriate manner.
It is also low in oleic acid and rich in tocopherols.
This oil is ideal to enhance the flavor of dried fish at our table.

At Samaruc Restaurant, we pride ourselves in using high quality ingredients and special culinary techniques to provide our guests with an exceptional dining experience as one of theBest Restaurants in Denia.